ホーム » レシピ » Eggslut’s “the slut” レシピ ゆで卵とマッシュポテト

Eggslut’s “the slut” レシピ ゆで卵とマッシュポテト

によって Cooking Tree

Cooking Tree は、Eggslut の「ふしだらな女」の半熟卵とマッシュポテトのおいしいレシピを提供しています。





  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree
  • Eggslut s Recipe coddled eggs with mashed potatoes Cooking tree

以下の ???? レシピに従ってください????????????????

ピン 印刷する


評価: 5.0/5
( 84 投票した )
サーブ: 2 準備時間: 調理時間: 栄養に関する事実: 120 カロリー 19グラム 脂肪


  • ゆでたじゃがいも 2個
  • バター 10g
  • 牛乳 20g
  • ローストベーコン
  • 塩とコショウ
  • シュレッドチーズ
  • 2 卵
  • 乾燥パセリ


  1. ボウルに茹でたじゃがいもを入れてつぶし、バターを加えて混ぜる。
  2. 牛乳、ローストベーコン、塩、こしょうを加えて混ぜる。
  3. (2)をカップに入れ、シュレッドチーズをふりかける。
  4. チーズの上に卵1個をのせ、クッキングホイルをかぶせ、水を張った鍋に入れ、卵がお好みの固さになるまで10~15分ゆでます。
  5. 仕上げにローストベーコンとドライパセリを散らす。

Instagramでタグ付けしてください @Cooking.tree.




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